NEWS, INFO & Activities

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UTC Media City UK

SEND - Info re expertise and training of staff in relation to SEN

Every teacher is accountable for all students in their class, including the students with SEND. The SENDCO is responsible for co-ordinating the additional provision for students with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities at the school. The SENDCo has 9 years' experience of working with students with SEN and/or disabilities.

The SENDCo is currently working to complete the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination (NASENCO). All staff receive appraisals and through this, the training needs of staff are identified and planned. All staff are encouraged to partake in training to develop their awareness and skills for supporting students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Learning Support Assistants and teachers benefit from a regular programme of training delivered in house and further training is also provided by other outside agencies as required. These include: Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Visual Impairment Service, Sensory and Physical Support Service for students and Young People who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired, Sensory and Physical Support Service, Behaviour Support Service, School Nurse Service, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and student & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Other agencies, charities and voluntary groups may be contacted for support in a situation where a student has needs beyond the experience of school staff. All of the teachers at the UTC are qualified and our school strives to provide high quality teaching and learning for all students, including those with SEND. Training needs are continually being identified and addressed. This may include whole school training on SEND issues or to support identified groups of students in school, such as autism, dyslexia, etc. Teachers and support staff also attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific students in their class. Our Learning support Assistants also have a range of expertise in a variety of specialised areas including autism, complex needs and behavioural needs. We are members of NASEN (the ‘National Association for Special Educational Needs’) and make use of their resources to keep staff up to date with changes and developments within SEND.