SEND - Info about how equipment and facilities to support SEN students will be secured
When specialist equipment or a high level of staffing support is required to support a students with special educational needs, our school will fund this as additional SEN support up to £6,000 per annum for each individual students. Thereafter, if the cost is higher and the provision of these facilities is likely to be prolonged, the school will apply to the Local Authority for High Needs Funding and where appropriate this will be achieved through an application for an Educational, Health Care Plan. Specialist equipment and expertise in relation to its use will be purchased/hired/ commissioned by the school from the open market, subject to the usual guarantees, service level agreements and quality assurance criteria. Our school will, wherever possible, join with other schools in joint purchasing/hire of equipment. All staffing appointments to support vulnerable learners will be carried out in accordance with equal opportunities legislation, employment law, safer recruiting policy and best practice. All vacancies will be competitively advertised and recruited.